The Meaning Behind a Semicolon Tattoo | Tattoo Inksider
21.3.2022 · The key meaning of Project Semicolon was to raise awareness of the mental illness, self-harm, suicide, and addiction. This is because, in writing, the “semicolon represents a sentence where the author could’ve ended …
Urban Dictionary: Semicolon › defineJan 12, 2018 · A semicolon is a symbol for people who've survived suicide/ depression, as a semicolon represents when a sentence COULD have ended, but didn't. "Why did you get a semicolon tattoo?" "It represents my battle with depression and suicidal thoughts ." "Wow. Can I give you a hug ?" by *Intimidates in non binary* March 19, 2022 Get the Semicolon mug.
Semicolon - Wikipedia computer programming, the semicolon is often used to separate multiple statements (for example, in Perl, Pascal, and SQL; see Pascal: Semicolons as statement separators). In other languages, semicolons are called terminators and are required after every statement (such as in PL/I, Java, and the C family). Today semicolons as terminators has largely won out, but this was a divisive issue in programming languages from the 1960s into the 1980s. An influential and frequ…
Semicolon Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
semi· co· lon | \ ˈse-mi-ˌkō-lən \, Kids Definition of semicolon, : a punctuation mark; that can be used to separate parts of a sentence which need clearer separation than would be shown by a comma, to separate main clauses …
Semicolons: A Quick Guide How to Use a Semicolon
14.1.2021 · Semicolons (;) are as basic as a period stacked on top of a comma. Does that mean you can use it like either one? Don’t get your hopes up. But don’t let this punctuation mark get you down, either. Here’s a tip: Want to …