Nov 29, 2017 · The driving idea behind the semicolon tattoo is beautifully summed up in this elegant bit of text. This semicolon, created from negative space in a dotwork heart, is powerfully placed over the wearer’s actual heart. Another powerful and meaningful tattoo, this design places the semicolon as a literal pause in a heartbeat. This design forms a series of semicolons into an abstract flower.
25.7.2019 · These semicolon tattoos are seen as a badge of courage, a battle scar if you will. It shows how strong someone is because they chose to continue living instead of choosing to …
29.11.2017 · The driving idea behind the semicolon tattoo is beautifully summed up in this elegant bit of text. This semicolon, created from negative space in a dotwork heart, is …
8.4.2022 · The idea was to encourage anyone who has been through a similar experience to draw a semicolon on their body, photograph it, and share it on a given day to encourage …
Mar 06, 2022 · The semicolon tattoo meaning is simple yet profound. A semicolon is used in English grammar as a way of potentially ending a sentence, but instead choosing not to. The direction of the sentence can still be determined by the author. Much of the same can be applied in life. Think of the sentence as a metaphor for your existence.
6.3.2022 · The semicolon tattoo meaning is simple yet profound. A semicolon is used in English grammar as a way of potentially ending a sentence, but instead choosing not to. The …
Mar 21, 2022 · The semicolon tattoo has more of a deeper meaning than it may seem. The semicolon represents the part of the sentence where the author could have ended the sentence but chose not to. In life, the semicolon is a brilliant social media movement supporting those who wanted to end their life, suffered from depression or even addiction, and didn’t let it take over but instead overcome them.
28.11.2016 · While researching tattoos I came across a semicolon tattoo and it was exactly what I wanted. The meaning behind a semicolon tattoo is that a semicolon is used when an …
17.12.2021 · The semicolon tattoo has a much deeper meaning than many people may think. It brings awareness to so many mental health issues and helps alleviate the stigma...
Mar 01, 2018 · A semicolon tattoo is a tattoo of the semicolon punctuation mark (;), which is used as a message of affirmation and solidarity with those who have dealt with suicide, depression, addiction, and other mental health issues. Warning: This article deals with the sensitive topic of suicide.
22.4.2022 · The semicolon tattoo is symbolic of the fact that there may have been a time when you thought of ending your life, but you chose to push forward and persevere. The …
21.3.2022 · The semicolon tattoo spreads a strong meaning of solidarity and strength in the face of suicide, depression, and mental health. People tend to get a semicolon tattoo …
1.3.2018 · A semicolon tattoo is a tattoo of the semicolon punctuation mark (;), which is used as a message of affirmation and solidarity with those who have dealt with suicide, …
14.9.2022 · What the semicolon tattoo means. In several viral videos on TikTok, some users have explained what it means to get a semicolon tattoo, and as well as its spelling …
Apr 08, 2022 · “A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you, and the sentence is your life,” explains Project Semicolon’s website. Semicolon tattoos are everywhere: on wrists, behind ears, above ankle bones, and more.
The semicolon is used when a sentence could have ended, but didn't” If you have ever self harmed, been depressed, or attempted suicide, you might want to be ...