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8 Phonics/Spelling • Grade 4 • Unit 1 • Week 2 Spelling: Long a major rail pale slate eight clay drain face ache they stray faint graze steak obey today claim cane break bail Circle the word that rhymes with the word in bold type. Write the word. 1. gate strain slate that 2. pail play paid bail 3. shame claim harm slam 4. stay why my they 5.
McGraw-Hill School Division Words with Short Vowels Grade 5/Unit 1 20 4 The Wise Old Woman 1. unexpected 2. terrible 3. chores 4. gun or knife 5. intelligence 6. find the answer 7. allow to borrow 8. cover thickly 9. heavy stick 10. male child 11. pay to use 12. liking 13. allow 14. money Finish the Sentence Write the spelling word that best completes each sentence.
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, network storage or transmission, or broadcast ... Phonics/Spelling • Grade 3 • Unit 1 • Week 1 1.
Grade 1 Practice Book O A Published by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, ... First Grade Spelling Words The Hat 1. at 2. hat 3. cat 4. can 5. cap 6. tap 7. map 8. mad ...
purpose without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, network storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Send all inquiries to: McGraw-Hill Education 2 Penn Plaza New York, NY 10121 GGrade 6 Spelling Workbook_CP.indd iirade 6 Spelling Workbook_CP.indd ii 44/2/15 3:07 PM/2/15 3:07 PM
McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders McGraw-Hill Wonders 1st Grade Resources and Printouts. This is the 2014 and 2017 version. ... Unit 6.1 Unit Six Week One Spelling resources, vocabulary resource, high frequency words resources, phonics resources. Weekly outline is finished.
Aug 10, 2015 - DOWNLOAD Grade 1 Spelling Workbook DOWNLOAD Grade 2 Spelling ... 6 First Grade This packet is a review for Unit 2, Week 6 of the McGraw Hill ...
Mcgraw Hill Reading Wonders Grade 3 Unit 1 Teachers Edition Common Core Dec 17, 2020 Posted By Debbie Macomber Media Publishing TEXT ID 3712ff68 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library Common Core Teachers Edition Grade 3 Unit 5 Mcgraw Hill