Automotive and Transport Design MA - Coventry University › pg › fahUltimately, you will be provided with the opportunity to get ahead with our Automotive Design MA. Working on studio delivered briefs and ‘live’ industry projects, you will be taught the underlying theory, 2D and latest 3D techniques used to resolve automotive design challenges within the areas of exterior, interior, colour and trim design.
Master in Automotive Design and Manufacturing | Deusto
This Master's degree will train you as an automotive engineer who masters both the management and definition of the production environment and the design and manufacture of vehicles and components. In this way, you will acquire solid knowledge in various engineering fields such as: Advanced management and production systems (efficiency improvements)
Specializing Master in Transportation & Automobile Design › Italy › POLIThe Specializing Master in Transportation & Automobile Design is a Master in Car Design of the Politecnico di Milano and it is a pathway to excellence for those who seek scientifically rigorous training to meet the professional challenges that automakers’ design departments are offering in this era of far-reaching change and radical innovation in the industry.