Mamma Rosa
http://mammarosa.fiRuneberginkatu 55 00260, Helsinki Finland. (09) 434 2760. Ravintola Mamma Rosa on perheyritys, joka on tunnettu hyvästä ...
Mamma Rosa, Helsinki | cityseeker › helsinki › 89000-mamma-rosaMamma Rosa is a clean, stylish Italian restaurant about a kilometre from town. The pizza selection here is excellent, with a possibility for take-away if wanted. The menu offers lots more than just pizzas, though: a shrimp salad or fillet of lamb in thyme sauce. Lots of other types of food are also available, and the wine selection is fairly good. The restaurant seems to fill up practically ...
Mamma Rosa
mammarosa.fiMamma Rosa Runeberginkatu 55 00260, Helsinki Finland (09) 434 2760. Ravintola Mamma Rosa on perheyritys, joka on tunnettu hyvästä hinta ...
Mamma Rosa
mammarosa.fiRuneberginkatu 55 00260, Helsinki Finland (09) 434 2760. Ravintola Mamma Rosa on perheyritys, joka on tunnettu hyvästä hinta-laatusuhteestaan jo …