Custom Mail, Cards, & Envelopes | USPS › ship › custom-mailSelect from hundreds of designs for any occasion or create your own. Simply upload your photos, add your addresses, and press send. We’ll print, stuff, address, stamp, and mail your cards the next business day with durable Postal Protect coating and First-Class Mail ® postage included. Visit AMPlified Mail Custom cards made easy!
How to Prepare & Send a Package | USPS USPS Price Calculator wizard will show you how to measure your package and calculate your domestic postage costs for you. Calculate a Price Postage Options. There are several ways to get postage for your package. The Postal Store ® Shop online for all stamps and ad-on postage for oversized envelopes. Click-N-Ship ®
Postage Options | USPS › business › postage-optionsSmall businesses shipping a few packages can print and pay for postage online. Larger shippers can apply for a permit imprint and save money with commercial rates. Other convenient postage options are postage meters, precanceled stamps, and custom stamps. USPS ® and third-party vendors offer a variety of ways to track and pay for postage.