maintain / ( meɪnˈteɪn) / verb (tr) to continue or retain; keep in existence to keep in proper or good condition to maintain a building to support a style of living the money maintained us for a month (takes a clause as object) to state or assert he maintained that Talbot was wrong
1. maintain - keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean"; "hold in place"; "She always held herself as a lady"; "The students keep me on my toes". hold, keep. pressurise, pressurize - maintain a certain pressure; "the airplane cabin is pressurized"; "pressurize a space suit".
1 : to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline maintain machinery · 2 : to sustain against ...
Definition of maintain. transitive verb. 1 : to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline maintain machinery. 2 : to sustain against opposition or danger : uphold and defend maintain a position.
Maintain means to keep the same––keep steady, keep up, or keep going. Sure, you can ride your bike super fast on a flat surface, but it can be hard to ...
Definition of MAINTAIN (verb): keep something the same; keep building, road etc in good condition; keep saying something is true; provide money and ...
1. to continue or retain; keep in existence · 2. to keep in proper or good condition. to maintain a building · 3. to support a style of living. the money ...
tr.v. main·tained, main·tain·ing, main·tains. 1. To keep up or carry on; continue: maintain good relations. 2. To keep in an existing state; preserve or retain: maintain one's composure. 3. To …
maintain ; 1 · to cause (something) to exist or continue without changing ; 2 · to keep (something) in good condition by making repairs, correcting problems, etc.
The meaning of MAINTENANCE is the act of maintaining : the state of being maintained : support. How to use maintenance in a sentence. the act of maintaining : the state of being …
maintain verb [T] (CONTINUE TO HAVE) With an election approaching, the prime minister is keen to maintain his popularity. The Queen has maintained political neutrality throughout her reign. Security during the president's visit must be maintained at all costs. Several of the teachers were quite ...