Send Mail & Packages | USPS › shipGet a free package pickup during your regular mail delivery or pay a fee for a pickup at a time that works for you. Send Letters & Cards Learn how to choose the best envelope or card size, follow Postal addressing standards, and get stamps for your mail. Prepare Your Package
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www.usps.comUse our online Click-N-Ship ® service to send packages from your home or office, earn loyalty points, and save on shipping. Learn More Free Package Pickups Schedule a pickup online, place your USPS packages on your doorstep, and we'll come pick them up for free during regular delivery. Schedule Now Delivering for America
USPS: Welcome
https://www.usps.comFree Package Pickups. Schedule a free pickup online, leave your packages on your doorstep, and we'll get them when we deliver your mail. Schedule Now.
Receive Mail & Packages | USPS › manageReceive Mail & Packages Enter a USPS Tracking ® number in the search box to check the status of a package. Track Your Package Going out of town or want to change where your mail is delivered? Learn about all the ways to handle your incoming USPS ® mail and packages and choose the best option. Get Informed Delivery