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mahatma gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi | Suurten Johtajien Sosiaaliseen ... › biography › mahat...
Mahatma Gandhi tai Mohandas Gandhi on yksi Intian historian suurista johtajista. Hän protestoi rauhanomaisesti brittien valtaa Intiassa suolamarssin kautta.
Intia ja Mahatma Gandhi – Uhusiano ry › historiikin-virstanpylvaat › i...
Mohandas Garamchand Gandhi oli Intian kansakunnan isä. Paljolti hänen ansiostaan Intia itsenäistyi vuonna 1947. Hänen periaatteensa läpi koko hänen elämänsä ...
Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia…
VerkkoMahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948 at age 78 in the compound of Birla House (now Gandhi Smriti), a large mansion in central New Delhi. His assassin was Nathuram Godse , a Chitpavan Brahmin …
Mahatma Gandhin patsas Helsinkiin - Valtioneuvosto › mahatma-gandhin-patsas-hel...
Mahatma Gandhin patsas Helsinkiin ... Intian itsenäisyysliikkeen johtajalle Mahatma Gandhille. ... Gandhi syntyi 2. lokakuuta 1869.
Mahatma Gandhi | Biography, Education, Religion ... › Mahat...
Mahatma Gandhi, byname of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, (born October 2, 1869, Porbandar, India—died January 30, 1948, Delhi), Indian lawyer, ...
Mahatma Gandhi - Like Kustannus › Kirjailijat
Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) oli kansainvälisesti tunnettu intialainen yhteiskunnallinen johtaja, joka puhui rauhan, rakkauden, väkivallattomuuden ja ...
Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia › wiki › Ma...
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist who employed nonviolent ...
Mahatma Gandhi – Intian vapauttaja - › ... › politiikka › poliitikot
Mohandas Gandhi syntyi intialaiseen kauppiassukuun ja opiskeli myöhemmin lakia Britanniassa. Valmistuttuaan hän työskenteli lakimiehenä Etelä- ...
Mahatma Gandhi – Wikipedia
VerkkoMahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi; gujarati મોહનદાસ કરમચંદ ગાંધી), född 2 oktober 1869 i Porbandar i Gujarat i Brittiska Indien, död (mördad) 30 januari 1948 i New Delhi i Republiken Indien, var en indisk advokat, politiker och andlig ledare.
Who was Gandhi? - BBC Bitesize › bitesize › topics
Learn more about the life and actions of Mohandas Gandhi. In the 1940s, a powerful empire was defeated by a man of peace dressed in simple clothes. He was Mohandas K Gandhi. At that time, India ...
The life and work of Mahatma Gandhi | Britannica › summary › Mahatma-Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi, byname of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, (born Oct. 2, 1869, Porbandar, India—died Jan. 30, 1948, Delhi), Preeminent leader of Indian nationalism and prophet of nonviolence in the 20th century.
Mahatma Gandhi - South Africa, Salt March & Assassination › political-figures › mahatma-gandhi
Apr 3, 2014 · (1869-1948) Who Was Mahatma Gandhi? Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of India’s non-violent independence movement against British rule and in South Africa who advocated for the civil rights of...
Mahatma Gandhi | The British Library › people › mahat...
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian lawyer and anti-colonial nationalist who employed non-violent resistance in the campaign for India's independence ...
Mohandas Gandhi - Biography, Facts & Beliefs…
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869, at Porbandar, in the present-day Indian state of Gujarat. His father was the dewan (chief minister) of Porbandar; his deeply …
Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia › wiki › Mahatma_Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (gudžaratiksi મોહનદાસ કરમચંદ ગાંધી, IAST: mohandās karamcand gāndhī, 2. lokakuuta 1869 Porbandar, ...
Champions of Human Rights Mahatma Gandhi (1869 › ...
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is widely recognized as one of the twentieth century's greatest political and spiritual leaders. Honored in India as the father of ...
Mahatma Gandhi | Biography, Education, Religion, ……
Mahatma Gandhi, byname of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, (born October 2, 1869, Porbandar, India—died January 30, 1948, Delhi), Indian lawyer, politician, social activist, and writer who became …
Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule. He inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. The honorific Mahātmā (Sanskrit: "great-souled", "venerable"), first applied to him in 1914 in South Africa, is now used throughout the world.
Mahatma Gandhi - Wikipedia › wiki › Mahatma_Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi [pron 1] (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was an Indian lawyer, anti-colonial nationalist and political ethicist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule. He inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.