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macOS | Release Dates, Features, Updates - AppleInsider › inside › macos
Apple released macOS 10.11 El Capitan on September 30, 2015. El Capitan prioritized stability and security over flashy features. The update added macOS support for Apple's Metal API. Metal is a ...
macOS Ventura - Apple
VerkkoPlays harder. Goes further. macOS Ventura makes the things you do most on Mac even better, with powerful new ways to get more done, share and collaborate in your favorite apps, immerse yourself in …
macOS:n päivittäminen Macissa - Apple-tuki (FI)
macOS:n päivittäminen Macissa. Ohjelmiston päivityksen avulla voit asentaa macOS:n ja sen sisäisten appien, kuten Safarin, päivityksiä. Mac on syytä varmuuskopioida ennen uuden …
How to download and install macOS - Apple Support
Download and install current or previous versions of the Mac operating system. Apple recommends using the latest (newest) macOS that is compatible with …
Telegram for macOS
Get Telegram for macOS · Mac App Store version. This software is available under GPL v2 license. Source code is available on GitHub.
macOS Venturaan - Apple (FI) › macos › ventura
macOS Ventura tuo Näyttämömestarin, FaceTime Handoffin ja Jatkuvuuskameran Maciin sekä Mailin, Spotlightin, Safarin ja Viestien isot päivitykset.
macOS Ventura is now available - Apple › newsroom › 2022
Oct 24, 2022 · macOS Ventura is now available. Available today, macOS Ventura includes new productivity tools and Continuity features that make the Mac experience better than ever. macOS Ventura takes the Mac experience to a whole new level with groundbreaking capabilities that help users achieve more than ever. New features like Continuity Camera enable ...
macOS | Release Dates, Features, Updates - AppleInsider › inside › m...
macOS started as "Mac OS," which launched in 1984. It underwent multiple major releases until Mac OS 9 was shipped to customers in 1999. Apple changed its ...
macOS version history - Wikipedia
VerkkoThe history of macOS, Apple 's current Mac operating system formerly named Mac OS X until 2011 and then OS X until 2016, began with the company's project to replace its …
macOS – Wikipedia
macOS (aiemmin OS X, Mac OS X) on Applen kehittämä ja markkinoima Unix-käyttöjärjestelmä Macintosh-tietokoneisiin. Se on tullut vuodesta 2002 esiasennettuna jokaisen uuden Macintosh-tietokoneen mukana. Aikaisempi Applen käyttöjärjestelmä on nimeltään Mac OS ("Classic" Mac OS).
Mac OS X and macOS: Every version released so far - Macworld › article
In 2016, Apple took the plunge to unify the branding of its operating systems by rebranding Mac OS X to macOS, which sits nicely alongside iOS, tvOS, and ...
macOS – virallinen Apple-tuki
macOS Venturaan päivittäminen. Tutustu uusiin ominaisuuksiin, joilla saat enemmän aikaan, voit tehdä yhteistyötä suosikkiapeissasi ja hyödyntää muita laitteitasi. Saat myös käyttöösi uusimmat turvallisuus- ja tietosuojaominaisuudet, kun päivität. Lue ohjeet macOS Venturan asentamiseen. Näytä lisää
macOS Ventura - Apple › macos
macOS Ventura. Works smarter. Plays harder. Goes further. macOS Ventura makes the things you do most on Mac even better, with powerful new ways to get more done, share and collaborate in your favorite apps, immerse yourself in next‑level games, and take full advantage of your other devices.
macOS - Official Apple Support › macos
Learn how to set up and use macOS. Find all the topics, resources, and contact options you need for macOS.
Macissa käytetyn macOS:n selvittäminen - Apple-tuki (FI) › fi-fi
Selvitä Maciin asennettu Mac-käyttöjärjestelmä (macOS) Tietoja tästä Macista -ominaisuuden avulla. Selvitä sitten, onko se uusin (viimeisin) ...
Apple - Support - Downloads
VerkkoDownload Security Update 2022-002 (Catalina) macOS Catalina Security Update 2022-002 (19H1715) is recommended for all users and improves the security of macOS. Feb …
macOS - Official Apple Support
VerkkoLearn how to set up and use macOS. Find all the topics, resources, and contact options you need for macOS.
macOS - Wikipedia › wiki › MacOS
macOS (aiemmin OS X, Mac OS X) on Applen kehittämä ja markkinoima Unix-käyttöjärjestelmä Macintosh-tietokoneisiin. Se on tullut vuodesta 2002 esiasennettuna ...
macOS - Wikipedia › wiki › Ma...
macOS is a Unix operating system developed and marketed by Apple Inc. since 2001. It is the primary operating system for Apple's Mac computers.
macOS - Wikipedia › wiki › MacOS
macOS (/ ˌ m æ k oʊ ˈ ɛ s /; previously OS X and originally Mac OS X) is a Unix operating system developed and marketed by Apple Inc. since 2001. It is the primary operating system for Apple's Mac computers.
Find out which macOS your Mac is using - Apple Support
Use About This Mac to check the version of Mac operating system (macOS) installed on your Mac. Then find out whether it's the latest (newest, most recent) version.
macOS - Reddit › MacOS
r/MacOS: Reddit's Home to Apple's Latest Operating System!
macOS - Wikipedia
macOS is a Unix operating system developed and marketed by Apple Inc. since 2001. It is the primary operating system for Apple's Mac computers. Within the market of desktop and laptop computers, it is the second most widely used desktop OS, after Microsoft Windows and ahead of Linux (including ChromeOS). macOS succeeded the classic Mac OS, a Mac operating system with nine relea…
Pian julkaistava macOS Big Sur tekee jotain, mitä ei ole nähty ... › pian-julkaistava-macos-bi...
macOS Big Sur tekee tuloaan, mutta tällä kertaa Applen käyttöjärjestelmä uudistuu niin paljon, ettei sitä voi asentaa ihan mihin tahansa ...