M270 MLRS – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/M270_MLRSM270 MLRS (suom. nimi: 298 RSRAKH 06) on yhdysvaltalaista alkuperää oleva raskas raketinheitinjärjestelmä. Heittimen M993-tyyppinen alusta perustuu M2 Bradley -rynnäkköpanssarivaunuun, johon on asennettu M269-raketinheitin. Tela-alustainen vaunu on varustettu 500 hv tehoisella … Näytä lisää
Does anyone else find the M270 Atacms underwhelming?
www.reddit.com › r › wargameLong aiming time: This singular fact renders the M270 atacms kinda useless for counter-battery, or even for rapid arty. Its long aiming time (I love it when it hangs around with one bar left to firing). In contrast to the Smerch, who is able to respond to pushes by blanketing the area with rounds, the Atacms fails in this task.
ATACMS | Lockheed Martin
www.lockheedmartin.com › en-us › productsThe Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is a conventional surface-to-surface artillery weapon system capable of striking targets well beyond the range of existing Army cannons, rockets and other missiles. ATACMS missiles are fired from the MLRS M270 and M270A1 weapons platform. ATACMS was very successful in Operation Desert Storm.
Multiple Launch Rocket System (M270) | Lockheed Martin
www.lockheedmartin.com › en-us › productsThe MLRS MFOM that can be fired from M270 systems include 12 Guided MLRS (GMLRS) or Extended Range (ER) GMLRS rockets, 4 Precision Strike Missiles (PrSM) or two Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). Lockheed Martin is under contract to recapitalize more than 50 of the U.S. Army’s M270 launchers. Lockheed Martin, in partnership with the Red River Army Depot, will overhaul and upgrade the M270s as “zero-time” launchers.