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‎LyricsTraining on the App Store › us › app
Description. Discover a new and fun way to learn English, Spanish, French and other languages through music, playing with the videos and lyrics of your favorite songs. It's very easy and fun. All you have to do is play a song of your choice and listen closely to fill in the missing words in the song lyrics, by selecting the correct option.
Impara L’Inglese con la Musica - App su Google Play
Impara L’Inglese con la Musica. É molto facile e divertente. Soltanto basta ascoltare la canzone scelta e affilare bene l'orecchio per inserire le parole mancanti nel testo, selezionando l'opzione giusta. Con LyricsTraining non solo migliorerai rapidamente il tuo listening oppure la tua comprensione dell'ascolto, ma anche di ampliare il tuo ...
LyricsTraining - Home | Facebook › lyricstraining
LyricsTraining. 57,567 likes · 15 talking about this. Enjoy learning languages with music videos, lyrics and karaoke! - Learn Languages Online - Exercises ...
The best way to learn and improve your foreign languages skills like English, through the music videos and typing the lyrics of the songs.
LyricsTraining: app to learn Italian through music videos › ly...
Scarica l'app o vai al sito web, fai un cli sul brano/video preferito e seleziona la modalità: principiante, intermedio o avanzata e talvolta ...
Lyrics training - Casa delle Lingue Edizioni
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Learn Languages with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke!
LyricsTraining is the new way to learn English and other languages through music and the lyrics of your favourite songs. Improve and practise your listening skills with the best music videos.Fill in the gaps to the lyrics as you listen and sing Karaoke to your favourites. Thousands of teachers, all over the world, are already using LyricsTraining to teach languages and motivate their …
Enjoy Learning Languages with Music! - LyricsTraining
Thousands of music videos and lyrics are waiting for you. Learn English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Japanese, Turkish and more.
Learn Languages with Music Videos, Lyrics and Karaoke!
Enjoy learning languages for free playing with the music videos and filling in the lyrics of your favorite songs: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch, Turkish and more.
Lyrics Training
Enjoy learning languages for free playing with the music videos and filling in the lyrics of your favorite songs: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, ...
Enjoy Learning Languages with Music! - LyricsTraining › app
Thousands of music videos and lyrics are waiting for you. Learn English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Japanese, Turkish and more.
LyricsTraining - Home | Facebook › lyricstraini...
@lyricstraining · Sito web di intrattenimento ... el futuro y el léxico atmosférico con ejercicios en @lyricstraining #aprendeespañol #learnspanish #lyrics.
Learn Languages with Music - Apps on Google Play › store › apps
Create and share friends-only challenges. • Track your progress. Check your activity history to track your progress. Learn English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Japanese (Romanji), Turkish, Polish, Swedish, Finnish, or Catalan. More languages on the way. ★ Play thousands of lyrics without waiting.
LyricsTraining: app to learn Italian through music videos
19.3.2020 · The LyricsTraining program is available for many different languages and can be played on your Smart Phone or computer. The learning game draws upon thousands of popular songs found on Youtube, so you are sure to find your …
music lovers! learn english with lyricstraining! › ...
LyricsTraining is a powerful online education tool that ... è un ottimo sito Web per l'apprendimento di testi e strutture ...
Riconoscere le parole di una canzone con Lyrics Training
13.7.2013 · Il servizio online, Lyrics Training è completamente gratuito, vi permetterà di ascoltare una canzone, seguendo il testo con alcune parole mancanti, che …
Lyrics Training - UNASCUOLA.IT
8.1.2017 · Lyrics Training è un sito web e anche App per imparare le lingue con le canzoni.
Learn Languages with Music - Apps on Google Play › apps › details
It's very easy and fun! All you have to do is play a song of your choice and listen closely to fill of the missing words in the song lyrics, by selecting ...
Learn Languages with Music - Apps on Google Play › store › apps
Create and share friends-only challenges. • Track your progress. Check your activity history to track your progress. Learn English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Japanese (Romanji), Turkish, Polish, Swedish, Finnish, or Catalan. More languages on the way. ★ Play thousands of lyrics without waiting.
Navigazione familiare. Genitori e figli insieme alla ... › books
COME USARLO Dopo essersi collegati al sito Web è possibile cercare il video, quindi la canzone e il testo con i quali misurarsi.
Recensione al sito LYRICS TRAINING | Laboratorio Itals › recensione › rece...
Recensione al sito LYRICS TRAINING di Paolo Torresan. URL: Obiettivo: videocloze musicali. Servizio gratuito: sì.
Top 10 Lyrics Training Alternatives | Product Hunt
Discover top 10 alternatives to Lyrics Training on Product Hunt. Top 10 alternatives: Rap AI, Scope, AR Lyrics, musiXmatch for YouTube, Genius Story, utab Chords & Lyrics, Vibely, LyricsX, Freshbots, Mandate, Hip Hop's NBA Name Drops, StarMaker.
5 siti per praticare l’inglese in modo naturale e divertente
4.1.2018 · Questo sito è praticamente un gioco. Ed è parecchio divertente. Niente di meglio che unire divertimento e apprendimento. A differenza degli altri consigli qua sopra, si tratta dell’unica risorsa creata apposta per studenti di inglese, ...
‎LyricsTraining su App Store
‎É molto facile e divertente. Soltanto basta ascoltare la canzone scelta e affilare bene l'orecchio per inserire le parole mancanti nel testo, selezionando l'opzione giusta. Con LyricsTraining non solo migliorerai rapidamente il tuo listening oppure …