Tuottavaa ja turvallista LVI-tukkukauppaa - LVI-WaBeK
lvi-wabek.fiMay 3, 2023 · LVI-tukkukaupan kotimainen innovaatiojohtaja LVI-WaBeK Oy on suomalainen, yrittäjävetoinen LVI-tarvikkeiden tukku- ja maahantuontiliike. Meidät tunnetaan erityisesti markkinoiden kilpailukykyisimmistä tuotteista ja tuoteryhmistä, sekä parhaasta SuperService-palvelusta, joka tehostaa asiakkaan ajankäyttöä.
Company - LVI-WaBeK Oy
www.wbk.fi › en › companyLVI-WaBeK Oy is a Finnish HVAC Wholesaler and importer. We import and sell high quality HVAC products to Finnish market. We have established strong relationships with our Finnish customers and we are still growing rapidly. Wholesale business started 2004. Only Finnish owned and entreprenour leaded HVAC wholesaler in Finland.
Efficient HVAC-wholesaling - LVI WaBeK
lvi-wabek.fi › enLVI-WaBeK Oy is a Finnish entrepreneurial HVAC plumping supplies wholesaler and importer. We are constantly looking for new sustainable solutions that provide added value to our customers. One example is the unique SuperService concept that makes customers time management more efficient and helps customers with their purchasing process.