Etusivu | LUOMUS
https://www.luomus.fiVerkkoLuonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo Luomus on Helsingin yliopiston erillislaitos, joka säilyttää ja ylläpitää luonnontieteellisiä kansalliskokoelmia sekä harjoittaa niihin liittyvää …
Luomus Botanical Collections | University of Helsinki › luomus-botanical-collectionsLuomus Botanical Collections. The botanical and mycological collections of LUOMUS form a resource of scientific herbarium collections of plants and fungi, as well as living collections in two botanic gardens and a seed bank of endangered species. The number of specimens in the herbarium totals c. 3.3 million and, in particular, large lichen and moss collections rank among the top three in the whole world.
The Helsinki Lab of Ornithology | LUOMUS › en › helsinki-lab-ornithologyThe Helsinki Lab of Ornithology (HelLO) research group, located at the Finnish Museum of Natural History, was established in January 2013 and is led by senior curator Aleksi Lehikoinen. The main study themes of the group are understanding how natural processes and anthropogenic factors are affecting abundance and distribution of species.
Luonnontieteellinen museo | LUOMUS › fi › luonnontieteellinen-museoKuvausluvat ja tilojen vuokraus: puh. 02941 28899 Tietoa vuokrattavista tiloista ja kuvausluvista löytyy Tilavaraukset ja kuvausluvat -sivuilta Tarjoilut tilaisuuksissa: puh. +358(09) 867 8860 Yleiset tiedustelut ja palautteet: Yliopiston vaihde: 0294 1911
Home page | LUOMUS - Natural History Museum of Helsinki › enThe Finnish Museum of Natural History is an independent research institution functioning under the University of Helsinki. It is also one of the three central national museums in Finland and responsible for the national collections in its field. The collections, which include botanical, zoological, geological and paleontological specimens from all over the world, serve research in the fields of biology and geology as well as educational purposes.