7 Superb Speaking Activities That'll Get Your ESL …
26.2.2021 · 4. It’s Your Turn: Teach a Class! Teach a class! is a fun activity for advanced ESL students. In this activity, you assign each pair a grammar, vocab or culture point that they’ll have to teach to the class. The pair works together to …
ESL Warm-up Activities and Fillers – More than 30 Fun …
Make the longest words. Write a topical target word vertically down the board, for example, WINTER. In twos or threes, students attempt to come up with the longest word that begins with each letter. Give teams a point per word and a …
Fluency activities for lower levels - British Council | BBC
Developing spoken fluency with learners at low levels can be very challenging, but here are some tips and activities which may help. Provide careful preparation – give lots of vocabulary practice and language practice beforehand. Offer visual …