Lordi - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › LordiLordi(Finnish pronunciation: [ˈloːrdi][1]) is a Finnish rockband, formed in 1992[2]by the band's lead singer, songwriter and costume maker, Mr Lordi(Tomi Petteri Putaansuu). Influenced by hard rockand heavy metal music, Lordi are known for wearing monster masks and using horror elements with pyrotechnicsduring concerts and music videos.
Lordi (yhtye) – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lordi_(yhtye)Lordi [lordi] on suomalainen, englanninkielistä musiikkia esittävä hard rock- ja heavy metal -yhtye , joka tunnetaan hirviöteemaisista esiintymisasuistaan sekä pyrotekniikkaa ja kauhuelementtejä hyödyntävistä konserteistaan ja musiikkivideoistaan. Yhtye sai alkunsa vuonna 1992 ja on … Näytä lisää
Lordi music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm
www.last.fm › music › LordiMar 31, 2023 · Lordi is a Finnish hard rock band, formed in 1992 by the band's lead singer, songwriter and costume maker, Mr Lordi (Tomi Petteri Putaansuu). In addition to their melodic metal music, Lordi are also known for wearing monster masks and using horror elements with pyrotechnics during concerts and music videos.
LORDI | Official Website
www.lordi.fi › tourLORDI | Official Website TOUR 2023 31.3. Aria Complex, San Gwann, MT THE TOUR TO END ALL TOURS supporting Sabaton 14.4. Leeds, UK 15.4. London, UK 16.4. Cardiff, UK 18.4. Glasgow, UK 21.4. Paris, France 22.4. Frankfurt, Germany 24.4. Hamburg, Germany 25.4. Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg 28.4. Stockholm, Sweden 29.4. Oslo, Norway 30.4. Copenhagen, Denmark
LORDI | Official Website
www.lordi.fiLORDI - - KONE - - MANA - - HIISI - - HELLA - BAND'S BIO Mr. Lordi Kone Mana Hiisi Hella DISCOGRAPHY SCREEM WRITERS GUILD 2023 LORDIVERSITY 2021 KILLECTION 2020 SEXORCISM 2018 MONSTEREOPHONIC 2016 SCARE FORCE ONE 2014 to beast or not to beast 2013 babez for breakfast 2010 deadache 2008 The Arockalypse 2006 The Monsterican Dream 2004 Get Heavy 2002