Lonna sauna | Visit Finland
www.visitfinland.com › lonna-saunaLonna’s public sauna is located on the island of Lonna in the archipelago just in front of the city center of Helsinki. There are both men and women’s loft saunas which are heated up with wood burning stoves. At Lonna you can experience calm and almost sacred feeling of the traditional Finnish sauna. Sauna building is built solely with natural materials. It is made of masterfully ...
Lonnan saari | Lonna
www.lonna.fi/mika-lonnaLonna on paikka, jossa luodaan hyviä hetkiä vain 10 minuutin meriseikkailun päässä Helsingin Kauppatorilta. Lonna saa hymyn huulillesi ja mielesi rentoutumaan, lupaamme sen. Lonnaan …
Sauna | Lonna
www.lonna.fi › en › servicesWelcome to our sauna! Lonna’s public sauna is located on the island of Lonna in the archipelago just in front of the city center of Helsinki. There are both men and women’s loft saunas which are heated up with wood burning stoves. With us you can experience calm and almost sacred feeling of the traditional Finnish sauna.
Lonna Sauna | Helsinki Sea Guide
helsinkisea.guide › lonna-saunaLonna Sauna, 00190 Helsinki The public sauna on Lonna island pays homage to the traditional sauna culture. The log-built cabin has saunas with lofts for both men and women. Saunas are heated by large wood-burning stoves. Sauna times are set by the hour - 12 new guests can enter both saunas every hour. The bathing time is two hours.
Lonna Sauna · Finnish Architecture Navigator
finnisharchitecture.fi › lonna-saunaUntil 2016, the small Lonna Island was occupied by the Finnish army, after which it was opened to the public, like many other islands in the Helsinki archipelago. The design for a public sauna on the island was commissioned by the Governing Body of Suomenlinna. The wooden building designed by architect Anssi Lassila was completed in 2016.
https://reservations.lonna.onlineTässä asiakirjassa kerrotaan Oy Lonnan Hyväntuulenkeidas Ab (jatkossa ... (Kanavaranta 11, 00160 Helsinki, 2684751-7) nimisen osakeyhtiön tarjoaman saunan ...