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longest word in finnish

Longest word in finnish - Preply › Home › Finnish
The longest non-compound (a single stem with prefixes and suffixes) Finnish word recognised by the Guinness Book of Records is ...
The 10 Best Words/Phrases in the Finnish Language › th...
That sounds ridiculous even in English. "Lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas" is said to be the longest Finnish word at 61 letters, ...
10 Longest Finnish Words - Omniglot › articles › longe...
10 Longest Finnish Words · 10. Jauhelihakeitto · 9. Hyppytyynytyydytys · 8. Juoksentelisinkohan · 7. Käsipyyherullajärjestelmä · 6. Kolmivaihekilowattituntimittari.
In search of Finland's longest word - thisisFINLAND › life-society › in-sea...
Our survey shows conclusively that these words ("car", "flower" and "word") are most definitely not the longest words in the Finnish language.
The Longest Finnish Word You Will Need - Uusi kielemme
VerkkoYou can find many versions of what is the longest Finnish word on the internet. But which long words will you actually NEED when learning Finnish? What is the longest …
Longest words - Wikipedia › wiki › Longest_words
The longest word appearing in the Standard Korean Dictionary published by the National Institute of the Korean Language is 청자 양인각 연당초상감 모란 문은구 대접 (靑瓷陽印刻蓮唐草象嵌牡丹文銀釦대접); Revised Romanization: cheongjayang-in-gakyeondangchosang-gammoranmuneun-gudaejeop, which is a kind of ceramic bowl from the Goryeo dynasty; that word is 17 syllable blocks long, and contains a total of 46 hangul letters.
16 perfect Finnish words you need…
The longest Finnish word - YouTube
How do you say entokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas? Here's Nat giving it a …
The longest word in the Finnish language - 375 Humanists › en › artturi-kannisto
The longest word in the Finnish language Antturi Kannisto was born to a farming family and at a young age became interested in the family of languages that Finnish belongs to. In 1893 he enrolled in the university to study Finnish language and literature under Emil Nestor Setälä and to research the Finno-Ugric language family under Arvid Genetzin.
The Longest Finnish Word You Will Need - Uusi kielemme › blog-posts
1. Hoiva-avustajakoulutus (22 letters). When an immigrant goes over their choices of finding a job in Finland, one popular option is in the ...
10 fun facts about the Finnish language › 1...
The Finnish word 'saippuakivikauppias' is the world's longest palindrome (a word that's spelled the same forwards and backwards). It's listed in ...
The longest word in the Finnish language - 375 ……
VerkkoThe longest word in the Finnish language Antturi Kannisto was born to a farming family and at a young age became …
What is the longest word in the Finnish language? - Quora
VerkkoAnswer (1 of 3): Finnish is an agglutinative language, so there is no theoretical upper limit, but the longest word in actual use has been …
10 Longest Finnish Words - Omniglot › articles › longestfinnishwords
We're here to take a look at the10 longest words of Finnish! Get ready to be blown away by the complexity and humor behind these words (and trying to pronounce them!) 10. Jauhelihakeitto. We're starting from the simplest ones. This is a Finnish dish, translated by WordDive as "minced meat soup". A piece of cake, right? 9. Hyppytyynytyydytys
In search of Finland’s longest word - thisisFINLAND › in-search-of-finlands-longest-word
In search of Finland’s longest word We scoured the forests for Finland’s longest word – and we may never understand the full implications of our discovery. Our survey shows conclusively that these words ("car", "flower" and "word") are most definitely not the longest words in the Finnish language.
Longest word in finnish | Learn Finnish - Preply
VerkkoThree examples of long words that have been in everyday use in the Finnish language are kolmivaihekilowattituntimittari which means "three phase kilowatt hour meter" (31 …
Longest words - Wikipedia
VerkkoThe longest word appearing in the Standard Korean Dictionary published by the National Institute of the Korean Language is 청자 양인각 연당초상감 모란 문은구 대접 (靑瓷陽印 …
What is the longest word in the Finnish language? - Quora › What-is-the-longest-word-in-the...
Guinness World Records says the longest word in Finnish is 'epäjärjestelmällistyttämättömyydelläänsäkäänköhän' but it's not not really a real word as it's ...
61 letters Longest Finnish compund word …
VerkkoFor more than 100 years, Finnish “neuvola” clinics have given families a healthy start Life & society Family Founded in Helsinki in 1922, a nationwide system of maternity and …
10 Longest Finnish Words - Omniglot
VerkkoWe're here to take a look at the10 longest words of Finnish! Get ready to be blown away by the complexity and humor behind these words (and trying to pronounce them!) 10. Jauhelihakeitto. We're starting from the simplest ones. This is a Finnish dish, translated …
Longest word in finnish | Learn Finnish - Preply › en › question
Three examples of long words that have been in everyday use in the Finnish language are kolmivaihekilowattituntimittari which means "three phase kilowatt hour meter" (31 letters), peruspalveluliikelaitoskuntayhtymä ("a public utility of a municipal federation for provision of basic services", 34 letters) and lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas "airplane jet turbine engine auxiliary mechanic non-commissioned officer student" (61 letters), an actual military term ...
What is the longest word in Finnish? - Finland Forum › viewt...
The World´s longest word is Finnish. I don´t know who came up with it, but you can actually add more words to it making it even longer if you ...
In search of Finland’s longest word…
VerkkoSome people would claim that this word doesn’t count. To make a multisyllabic story short, the quest continues, and we finally arrive at the following 61-character creation, widely accepted …