The Finnish Long Drink.
https://thelongdrink.comVerkko“Long drink” is a top selling category of alcohol in Finland - a legendary taste that is now available in America. The roots of long drinks go back to the 1952 Summer Games in Finland, when the …
Lonkero (juoma) – Wikipedia tai long drink on suomalainen alkoholipitoinen juomasekoitus, joka valmistetaan yleensä ginistä ja greippijuomasta. Ensimmäiset suomalaiset lonkerot olivat Alkoholiliike Alkon 1952 Helsingin olympialaisiin lanseeraama Gin Long Drink ja Brandy Long Drink, joiden tuottajana Alko käytti … Näytä lisää
The Finnish Long Drink.“Long drink” is a top selling category of alcohol in Finland - a legendary taste that is now available in America. The roots of long drinks go back to the 1952 Summer Games in Finland, when the country of only 4 million people was still recovering from World War II.
Long drink - Wikipedia › wiki › Long_drinkA long drink or tall drink is an alcoholic mixed drink with a relatively large volume (> 12 cl, frequently 16–40 cl or between 5–9 fluid ounces). In Finland, a ‘long drink’ specifically contains gin plus a mixer, almost always a fruit soda.