English Listening Exercises for A2 Advertisements Exercise 1 People are describing how they feel. Listen and circle the problem. Listen 00:00 1. a. an upset stomach b. the flu 2. a. a sore throat b. a headache 3. a. a toothache b. a cold 4. a. a backache b. a headache 5. a. an upset stomach b. a sore throat 6. a. a cold b. a backache
Audio files for Practice Test Book A2 Download To download the file, right-click on the "Download" link at the end of the row below. Then, choose "Save Link As..." (it may also say "Save Target As...") from the menu that appears. Choose a location on your computer to download the file, and then click the "Save" button. Practice Test 1
Practice CAE Listening Tests with Answers & Audioscripts. English practice TEST Practice KET (A2) Listening Tests. with Answers and Audioscripts. Test 1. Test 2. Test 3. Test 4. Test 5. Test 6. Test 7. Test 8. Test 9. Test 10. Test 11. Test 12. Test 13. Test 14. Test 31. Test 32. Test 33. Test 34. Test 35. Test 36. Test 37.
Audio files for Practice Test Book A2 Download To download the file, right-click on the "Download" link at the end of the row below. Then, choose "Save Link As..." (it may also say "Save Target As...") from the menu that appears. Choose a location on your computer to download the file, and then click the "Save" button. Practice Test 1
Listening comprehension practice tests for elementary and pre-intermediate students (CEFR A2 level). You can use these A2 listening tests to prepare for Cambridge A2 KEY (KET), IELTS (3.5), or TOEIC (225 - 545). Tests with different types of questions. Transcription is included.
English Listening Exercises for A2 Advertisements Exercise 1 People are describing how they feel. Listen and circle the problem. Listen 00:00 1. a. an upset stomach b. the flu 2. a. a sore throat b. a headache 3. a. a toothache b. a cold 4. a. a backache b. a headache 5. a. an upset stomach b. a sore throat 6. a. a cold b. a backache
A2 listening. Are you a pre-intermediate (CEFR level A2) learner of English? Practise and improve your listening skills with these listenings and exercises.
Choose a location on your computer to download the file, and then click the "Save" button. Practice Test 1. File 01 - Listening - Short Conversations, Download.
English Listening Exercises for A2 with Answers Listening Exercises B1. English Listening Exercises for B1 with Answers Listening Exercises B2. English Listening Exercises for …
How to use this A2 English practice test: 1. Download the A2 English Test with answers in pdf below, print it and start answering the questions. 2. When you reach the Listening comprehension section (page 12 in the pdf test ), listen to the audio samples below and mark the best answers:
Answer 4. Listen again. Which words from exercise 2 did you hear? 00:00 Answer 5. You are going to hear four dialogues. Read sentences A-E and match each one to a phrase (1-5) you are likely to hear. Use the underlined words to help you. A The speakers start by agreeing, but then disagree. B One speaker is complaining about something he bought.
A2 listening. Are you a pre-intermediate (CEFR level A2) learner of English? Practise and improve your listening skills with these listenings and exercises.
For each topic, there are 4-5 different audio downloads. There is always a simple vocabulary version and then versions in English conversation style with ...
English practice Practice English Listening Tests A2. with Answers & Transcripts. Listening Test 01. Listening Test 02. Listening Test 03. Listening Test 04 ...
1. Download the A2 English Test with answers in pdf below, print it and start answering the questions. · 2. When you reach the Listening comprehension section ( ...
Listening comprehension practice tests for elementary and pre-intermediate students (CEFR A2 level). You can use these A2 listening tests to prepare for Cambridge A2 KEY (KET), IELTS (3.5), or TOEIC (225 - 545).
Listening comprehension exercises esl. Learn English online. Practical dialogues, short conversations, podcast, mp3 download, videos. English as a second language ...
Listening comprehension practice tests for elementary and pre-intermediate students (CEFR A2 level). You can use these A2 listening tests to prepare for ...