LISAA | L'Institut Supérieur des Arts Appliqués › enLISAA est aussi conventionnée UNAID (architecture d'intérieur) et centre d’excellence Toon Boom. École passion LISAA promeut une pédagogie où l’exigence, l’envie et la bienveillance sont des moteurs de performance. A LISAA, les étudiants travaillent avec assiduité mais sont accompagnés dans une ambiance familiale. École certifiée
LISAA School of Design | University Info | 6 Bachelors in …
LISAA School of Design Paris, France LISAA rapidly became a reference in the field. With teaching oriented towards new technology, a stable team of teaching staff and a particular attention paid to the professional insertion of students, the …
Best Fashion & Interior Designing Institute in Delhi - Lissa ...
www.lisaadelhi.comLISAA School of Design has a multidisciplinary approach to design education that promotes both creativity and experimentation, studying and learning in this environment helps the students to develop a unique perspective. India with its large young population, vast area and a fast growth rate has become one of the leading economies in the world.