NGL Life
ngllife.comWeb research tasks for Life are available now in Teacher Resources. The sixth in the series of Interactive Reading Practice is now online in the Student Zone . Drawing on National Geographic content, Life transforms the learning experience into a fabulous journey with irresistible images, articles and videos that engage learners like no series before.
Looking for Life | National Geographic Society › article › looking-lifeNational Geographic Emerging Explorer Kevin Hand has traveled to Earth 's extremes to better understand how life might exist in space. Hand, the deputy chief scientist for solar system exploration at NASA ’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, has spent time on Battleship Promontory, Antarctica, traveled far north to Barrow, Alaska, and been deep in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
NGL Life |
https://www.ngllife.comDrawing on National Geographic content, Life transforms the learning experience into a fabulous journey with irresistible images, articles and videos that ...
NGL Life
https://ngllife.comWeb research tasks for Life are available now in Teacher Resources. The sixth in the series of Interactive Reading Practice is now online in the Student Zone . Drawing on National …
Connect with the world and bring your classroom to Life | Life 2e › sites › Life2eConnect with the world and bring your classroom to Life. Now in a new edition, National Geographic Learning brings the world to your classroom with Life, a six-level integrated-skills series with grammar and vocabulary for young adult and adult English language learners. Through stunning National Geographic content, video, and engaging topics, Life inspires a generation of informed decision-makers.