English levels and English proficiency scores | EF SET
www.efset.org › english-scoreYou can use your EF SET score as an English level certification on your CV and on LinkedIn. The EF SET (50 min) is currently the only standardized English test that reliably measures all skill levels, beginner to proficient, in alignment with the internationally recognized standard, the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
What are English Proficiency Levels? - EnglishProficiency.com
englishproficiency.com › blog › english-languageIt provides accurate and reliable descriptions of the different English language proficiency levels. There are six proficiency levels on the CEFR scale, including C2, C1, B2, B1, A2, and A2 proficiency levels, and these are also grouped into three broad levels, the Basic User, Independent User, and Proficient User.
English Language Levels: What is Your English Proficiency Level?
preply.com › en › blogFeb 11, 2021 · One of the most commonly used English language standards in the world is the CEFR standard, which divides proficiency in 3 broader levels (A, B, and C), and 6 more specific levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2). Here is how they're broken down: Proficiency Level. CEFR. Description.