Letter-join whole school handwriting scheme
www.letterjoin.co.ukLetter-join is a whole school handwriting scheme offering a combination of traditional and digital resources. These include classroom presentations, handwriting activities, online games and hundreds of worksheets using either a printed font, or a cursive font with or without a lead-in line. A school subscription includes free use for your pupils at home.
Letter on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › appiPad. iPhone. With the Letter app you can now write your personal letters on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch too, when and where you want. Your letters are stored securely and synchronized between devices using iCloud. They can be freely printed via AirPrint, sent by email and opened in other iOS applications in PDF format.
Letter-join Tablet Edition
www.letterjoin.co.uk › ipads-tabletsLetter-join Tablet Edition provides interactive handwriting activities for practice at home and school. Letter-join's Tablet Edition lets pupils have fun in the classroom and at home whilst practising their joined-up handwriting. Pupils can watch the instructional animations then trace the patterns, letters and words on their tablets for large scale handwriting practice.
Letter Templates on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › appThis business letters offline or English letter writing app tells how to write a cover letter or application letters writing whereas personal letters help to express oneself better to their beloved ones. Be careful in writing the English letters that are taken care by application letters writing app. Features of letterhead maker app: