League of Legends Names: 2022 [Best, Cool, Funny & Unique]
www.namesmore.com › league-of-legends-namesBest League of Legends Names. You can pick any of these names from this list. It’ll also provide you with all the functional appearance or others without any issues for sure. Annie; Quinn; Gragas; Yorick; Darius; Viktor; Soraka; Ahri; Taric; Taliyah; Sona; Xerath; Jarvan; Olaf; Malcolm; Leona; Kayle; Zed; Kassadin; Riven; Azir; Fiora; Draven; Kalista; Nidalee; Vladimir; Sivir; Janna; Jayce; Morgana; Syndra
200+ Funny, Cool, and Clever Names for League of Legends
living-smarter.com › funny-cool-and-clever-namesHow much does name change costs in League of Legends. A name change in League of Legends costs 1300 RP (Riot Points). RP is the in-game currency that you can buy in the store in-game. 1300 RP will cost you €10 or $10-$12. Wrap Up. The facts confirm that the craft of making amusing and cool LOL names ought to never pass on. The game gets thrilling and interesting when there is a battle or war between players who have incredible names.