Palais Princier de Monaco
palais.mcJun 5, 2023 · Site officiel du Palais Princier de Monaco. Actualité de la famille princière : communiqués, discours, vidéos, photos... Découvrez l'histoire du Palais et de la famille Grimaldi.
Prince's Palace of Monaco - Wikipedia › wiki › Prince&The Prince's Palace of Monaco ( French: Palais princier de Monaco; Ligurian: Palaçi principescu) is the official residence of the Sovereign Prince of Monaco. Built in 1191 as a Genoese fortress, during its long and often dramatic history it has been bombarded and besieged by many foreign powers.
Palais de Monaco — Wikipédia › wiki › Palais_de_MonacoLe palais de Monaco, communément appelé le Palais princier [a] (monégasque : Palaçi d’u Pri̍ncipu), est la résidence officielle du prince de Monaco depuis 1297. Il est situé en haut du rocher de Monaco, quartier le plus ancien de la principauté de Monaco, surplombant la mer Méditerranée de soixante mètres.
Prince's Palace of Monaco - Wikipedia's_Palace_of_MonacoThe Prince's Palace of Monaco (French: Palais princier de Monaco; Ligurian: Palaçi principescu) is the official residence of the Sovereign Prince of Monaco. Built in 1191 as a Genoese fortress, during its long and often dramatic history it has been bombarded and besieged by many foreign powers. Since the end of the 13th century, it has been the stronghold and home of the Grimaldi family who first captured it in 1297. The Grimaldi ruled the area first as feudal lords, and from the …