Largest Cities in the United States by Area 2022 › us-city-rankingsThe top ten largest cities by area are: Sitka, AK (2,870.3 mi2) Juneau, AK (2,701.9 mi2) Wrangell, AK (2,542.5 mi2) Anchorage, AK (1,704.7 mi2) Jacksonville, FL (747 mi2) Anaconda, MT (735.6 mi2) Butte, MT (716.2 mi2) Oklahoma City, OK (607 mi2) Houston, TX (599.6 mi2) Phoenix, AZ (516.7 mi2)
List of United States cities by area - Wikipedia
151 riviä · This list ranks the top 150 U.S. cities by land area. Total areas including water are also given, but when ranked by total area, a number of coastal cities appear disproportionately larger. Boston is an extreme example: water makes …
Largest Cities in the World By Land Area - WorldAtlas
7.1.2019 · However, New York is often estimated to be the largest city in the world by land area, with a total of 8,683 square kilometers. Other big cities include Tokyo, Chicago, Atlanta and Philadelphia. Though some occupy a large …