First-Class Mail & Postage | USPS › ship › first-class-mailFirst-Class Mail ® service is an affordable and easy way to send envelopes and lightweight packages. First-Class Mail Forever ® stamps cost $0.58 (the current 1 oz price) and will never expire, even if the First-Class ™ postage rate goes up. For packages (up to 13 oz), prices start at $4.50. Buy Stamps First-Class Mail Prices.
Postage Rates & Prices | USPS › business › pricesCost of First-Class™ Stamps Letter Stamps Standard-sized, rectangular envelopes From $0.60 Square, Oversized, or Unusual Envelopes From $0.99 Postcard Stamps Standard-sized, rectangular postcards From $0.44 Global Forever® (International) Standard-sized, rectangular envelopes From $1.40 Prices Expand All Domestic Prices International Prices
Royal Mail prices | Royal Mail
Use our online price calculator to find the best options for your mailing. Marketing services and general correspondence prices. Partially Addressed Mail rate card pdf, 4.03 MB. Marketing services and general correspondence price guide pdf, 4.38 MB. Advertising Mail rate card pdf, 2.63 MB. Publishing Mail rate card pdf, 4.16 MB