Skills | LearnEnglish › skillsLearn on the go, earn digital certificates and improve your English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Find out more. Choose the skill you want to practise. The self-study lessons in these sections are written and organised by English level based on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR). There are different types of texts, recordings and videos with interactive exercises and worksheets that practise the skills you need.
Skills | LearnEnglish you can find practice materials and activities to improve your English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Improving your skills will help you use English more effectively so that you can do well in your studies, get ahead at work and confidently …
English language skills for the future | Cambridge English › learning-englishIn countries where English is not an official language: 67% of employers have an English language skills gap. In English-speaking countries: 22% of employers have an English language skills gap. The size of the English language skills gap shows how prevalent English requirements have become – in all industries, all organisation sizes, and at all management levels. English language skills have never been more essential to succeed and progress at work.