20.3.2020 · PDF | On Mar 20, 2020, Helen Sauntson published Language-Based Discrimination in Schools | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
This descriptive research provides insight into how linguistic discrimination influences students' academic performance in the English teaching program at ...
10.8.2017 · Research Provides First Evidence for Fetal Language Discrimination. According to new research published in the journal NeuroReport, a month before they are born, fetuses can …
Linguistic discrimination can be considered in various aspects and it overlaps the subject of the research of a number of applied fields of study. In this investigation of the problems of …
1.7.1998 · Spanish and English are languages that differ in both prosodic rhythm as well as phonology. Infants can distinguish between languages that differ in rhythm from birth, but not …
The primary objective of this study is to how linguistic discrimination impact the academic performance of students of Iqra. University Islamabad Campus. More ...
It includes a selection of research articles investigating linguistic discrimination in several areas of everyday life: Education, Employment, Healthcare, ...
28.5.2021 · Research shows that many people who are shamed or excluded because of their language develop inferiority complexes Suresh Canagarajah, a linguist at Pennsylvania State …
This article presents the perceptions of undergraduate students about Linguistic Discrimination (LD). The main objective of this study is to analyze of ...
Mar 20, 2020 · PDF | On Mar 20, 2020, Helen Sauntson published Language-Based Discrimination in Schools | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Chinese dialects discrimination is a challenging natural language processing task due to scarce annotation resource. In this article, we develop a novel Chinese dialects discrimination …
Apr 02, 2014 · New Research Language Discrimination Goes Beyond Just Grammar Even when candidates are all equally qualified, employers pick native speakers over those born abroad Rose Eveleth Contributor April 2,...
The literature examines a brief history of Vietnamese language and culture, research paradigms in linguistic discrimination, and learning culture. Keywords: ...
14.11.2020 · The hegemony of one language itself achieves the status of dominant or prestigious. The caste, class, and gender also determine who is going to use the English language as a …
Language discrimination is mainly focused on the illegality of hiring, firing or requiring a person to speak a certain language due to discrimination. It may also apply if an individual is barred from access to government or business services due to the fact they cannot speak or write English sufficiently.
how research in mathematics education may discriminate on the basis of language, both within the community of researchers and in the practice of research. The ...
Language discrimination occurs when a person is treated differently because of her native language or other characteristics of her language skills. For example, an employee may be experiencing language discrimination if the workplace has a “speak-English-only” policy but her primary language is one other than English.
5.10.2022 · The Journal of Language and Discrimination provides a multidisciplinary platform to broadcast important social issues, focusing on the close relationship between many forms of …
17.6.2016 · This descriptive research provides insight into how linguistic discrimination influences students’ academic performance in the English teaching program at Fundación …
In this repository we focus on linguistic discrimination, which directly impacts access to resources for individuals and communities. In particular, we summarize research that …
Jul 01, 1998 · Infants discriminated between stress-timed English and mora-timed Japanese (Experiment 1) but failed to discriminate between stress-timed English and stress-timed Dutch (Experiment 2). In...