Contact us - Lahden Talot › contactYou can also contact us on our chat service. Lahden Talot Oy. Mariankatu 19. 15110 Lahti. Customer Service. At Palvelutori Service Centre on the 2nd floor in Trio Shopping Centre on Tue-Wed 9-15, Thu 9-12. Rental apartments 03 851 570 Mon-Fri 9-15, Rent payment 03 851 570 Mon-Fri 9-12.
Lahden Talot - in English - Lahden Talot
www.lahdentalot.fiLahden Talot – in English Applying Application for housing is to be filled online on our WWW-pages. Application for housing is valid for three months. If the applicant´s situation changes, the application must be altered respectively.
Housing - Lahti | eLUT › en › student-lifeLahden Talot Oy. Lahden Talot offers a wide range of apartments for students in Lahti. You can apply for student housing or look for a home in a diverse other housing stock. Lahden Talot has over 7 000 apartments including student apartments. From our wide variety of apartments you may find an apartment during your studies and afterwards.