740364A Protein Chemistry I | Opinto-opas
opas.peppi.oulu.fi › fi › opintojaksoMay 9, 2023 · This module provides more detailed information on the chemistry of proteins. Topics covered include introduction to the protein folding problem, protein translocation, protein degradation, reversible and irreversible covalent modifications of proteins, enzyme catalysis, protein purification and characterization.
https://opinto-opas.lab.fi/enWebThe curricula of LAB University of Applied Sciences are based on competences and aligned with the European and National Qualification Frameworks. Each degree comprises core …
opinto-opas.lab.fi › enThe curricula of LAB University of Applied Sciences are based on competences and aligned with the European and National Qualification Frameworks. Each degree comprises core competences and complementary (subject-specific) competences.