www.kysgroupcorp.comKYS GROUP CORP. has established a reputation as one of the best clothing design and production studios in the USA and Asia. With our in-house brands, Elodie and Sophie Rue, we've built our reputation on performance, trust and most importantly, creativity. We love what we do and are constantly looking for new sources of inspiration.
Urology | St. Elizabeth Healthcare
www.stelizabethphysicians.com › care › our-servicesOur urologists diagnose and treat urologic conditions at our local offices, so you can receive high-quality care close to home. This includes conditions of the male and female urinary tract and the male reproductive organs. Our experienced team is dedicated solely to your urologic health, and it shows. We offer a patient-centered, personalized ...
Kirurgia - PSSHP
https://www.psshp.fi/kirurgiaTietoa meistä. Etusivu Potilaat ja vierailijat Hoidot ja tutkimukset Kirurgia. Neurokirurgia Ortopedia ja käsikirurgia Plastiikkakirurgia Sydän-ja rintaelinkirurgia Tekonivelkirurgia Traumatologia …
Urologia - PSSHP
https://www.psshp.fi/urologiaUrologian palvelut. Urologian palveluissa hoidamme miesten ja naisten virtsateiden sekä miesten sukuelinten sairauksia. Yleisimpiä urologisia sairauksia ovat eturauhasen hyvänlaatuinen …
What Does 'KYS' Mean? | Acronyms by Dictionary.com
www.dictionary.com › e › acronymsMay 23, 2018 · What does KYS mean? KYS is an internet acronym standing for “kill yourself,” used as a taunt or form of harassment issued after someone has done something considered embarrassing or pathetic. Warning: This article deals with the sensitive topic of suicide and an internet culture that, unfortunately, makes light of it.
Urologia - PSSHP
www.psshp.fi › urologiaUrologia puh. +358 17175646; Verisuonikirurgia puh. +358 17175643; Vatsaelinkirurgia puh. +358 17175645; Leikkausjonotiedustelut, osastonsihteeri puh. +358 447172625