City of Vantaa - Coronavirus can slow down the spread of the coronavirus epidemic by your own actions. Use face mask as recommended, remember to keep a safety distance and wash your hands. The city of Vantaa distributes free face masks to the poorest and most vulnerable. If you don’t feel completely healthy, please stay at home.
City of Vantaa - Coronavirus › coronavirusThe city of Vantaa distributes free face masks to the poorest and most vulnerable. If you don’t feel completely healthy, please stay at home. You can download to your phone the free Koronavilkku application. The app will notify you if you have been near a sick person and you may have been exposed to the coronavirus.
City of Vantaa - Coronavirus testing › health_care_and_social_servicesMay 21, 2021 · FINENTRY is a digital service that makes it easier to travel to Finland and manage the coronavirus testing that may be required for entry. FINENTRY is a service that lets incoming travellers review travel instructions before or during their trip, book an appointment for a coronavirus test in Finland, and receive instructions for arriving at their test as well as the test result by text message.
Koronatestausta useassa eri toimipisteessä kautta Suomen
https://korona.9lives.fiKoronatestausta useassa eri toimipisteessä kautta Suomen. Hyvät asiakkaamme! Testaustarpeen valtavan ja nopean lisääntymisen vuoksi etenkin pääkaupunkiseudun antigeenitestauksemme on ruuhkautunut ja muuallakin saattaa esiintyä ajoittaista ruuhkaa. Lisäämme testauskapasiteettia niin nopeasti kuin pystymme, mutta varauduthan jonotukseen ...
City of Vantaa - Coronavirusvaccinations › coronavirusvaccinationsVantaa Health and Social Welfare Department will send a Maisa message or an electronic letter to those next to be vaccinated on the basis of the data in the Apotti patient information system. The Maisa message or electronic letter will be sent to some of those who are customers of health and social welfare services due to their state of health.