Overhead Crane and Hoist Service in Southern ... - Konecranes
www.konecranes.com › contact-us › locationsUnited States. 562-903-1371 Fax: 562-903-1375. Located within and serving the Counties of Los Angeles, Ventura and Orange, Konecranes Corona, CA office is part of the largest overhead crane service network in California and the Western United States. With skilled technicians in 5 California offices alone we can provide our customers with preventative maintenance, repairs, parts, new equipment and modernizations for all makes and models of overhead lifting equipment.
Port Cranes | Crane Parts - Crane Services | Konecranes
www.konecranes.comThe secrets of the S-series synthetic rope. Our revolutionary synthetic rope is the heart of Konecranes’ game-changing S-series crane. It is strong, safe and easy to maintain, remains free from barbs, and requires no lubrication. About the secrets of the S-series synthetic rope. Discover S-series crane.
investors.konecranes.com › fiKonecranes on maailman johtavia nostolaitevalmistajia, ja sen asiakkaita ovat muun muassa koneenrakennus- ja prosessiteollisuus, telakat, satamat ja terminaalit. Konecranes toimittaa asiakkailleen toimintaa tehostavia nostoratkaisuja ja huoltopalveluita kaikille nosturimerkeille. Vuonna 2021 Konecranes-konsernin liikevaihto oli yhteensä 3,2 miljardia euroa.