Our online assessments - KnowledgeSmart
www.knowledgesmart.net › our-assessmentsOur most popular online Revit test title, providing detailed skills assessment and training needs analysis for Autodesk’s Revit Architecture software tool. Our tests include a variety of different question types, including task-based and knowledge-based exercises. Here is our bundle of Revit Architecture skills assessment library material:
knowledge smart test for revit - Revit Forum
www.revitforum.org › node › 21893Aug 21, 2014 · Basically its a multiple choice test that will test your Revit (or any other CAD Program or even discipline) knowledge against other people that have taken the same test. Some questions you may just pick an answer some you have to open a file, do something then select the correct answer. Just be aware of the answer, it sometimes I has to be exact!
knowledge smart test for revit - Revit Forum
www.revitforum.org › node › 218933. Start Test - Questions may be about General Revit Knowledge - You may be asked to open a dataset file to retrieve certain information - You may be asked to open a dataset file, perform certain operations, choose the desired result based on question. 4. Test is Timed! So you want the best score in the lowest amount of time. 5. Finish test