Kalasatama | Uutta Helsinkiä
https://www.uuttahelsinkia.fi/fi/kalasatama10.6.2021 · Kantakaupungin itäosaan noin 170 hehtaarin ranta-alueelle rakennetaan koti noin 30 000 asukkaalle ja yli 10 000 työpaikkaa. Metroaseman ympäristöstä on jo tullut merkittävä työpaikkojen ja palveluiden alue. Kulttuuria löytyy vierestä Suvilahdesta ja Tukkutorin yhteyteen Teurastamolle on kehittynyt ruoka- ja tapahtumakeskittymä. Kalasatamassa lähellä ovat koti, …
Kalasatama - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KalasatamaKalasatama (Swedish: Fiskehamnen; literally translated "fish port") is a neighbourhood in the city of Helsinki, Finland. The area is officially part of the Sörnäinen district; and like Sörnäinen, Kalasatama is located a little more than one kilometre north from the coastal centre of Helsinki, near the district of Hakaniemi, and the east side of Kalasatama borders the sea. Itäväylä, which le…
Kalasatama | Uutta Helsinkiä
www.uuttahelsinkia.fi › en › kalasatamaFeb 18, 2021 · Kalasatama is being built by the sea, in the eastern part of the inner city. Kalasatama is one of the largest new areas being built in Helsinki, and construction is expected to last until the late 2030s. The former port and industrial area has already turned into a district of more than 5,000 people and thousands of new jobs. The 170-hectare ...
Kalasatama | Uutta Helsinkiä
https://www.uuttahelsinkia.fi/en/kalasatama18.2.2021 · Kalasatama is one of the largest new areas being built in Helsinki, and construction is expected to last until the late 2030s. The former port and industrial area has already turned into a district of more than 5,000 people and thousands of new jobs. The 170-hectare shore area in the eastern part of the inner city will turn into a home for more ...
Smart Kalasatama – Smart city district of Helsinki - Smart ...
fiksukalasatama.fi › en › smart-citySmart Kalasatama, a brownfield district in Helsinki is a vivid Smart City experimental innovation platform to co-create smart&clean urban infrastructure and services. Smart Kalasatama is developed flexibly and through piloting, in close co-operation with 200 + stakeholders including residents, companies, city officials and researchers. Kalasatama district will offer a home for approximately ...
Smart Kalasatama, Helsinki — UNEP Neighbourhood Guidelines
www.neighbourhoodguidelines.org › smart-kalasatamaThe Helsinki region is growing rapidly and will accommodate 490,000 more people in the next 35 years. To promote sustainable urban solutions, the city of Helsinki decided in 2013 to make one of the new districts under construction, Kalasatama, a model of smart city development, to be competed in 2030 for 25,000 inhabitants and 10,000 employees, 1,000,000 m2 of housing and 390,000 m2 of offices.
Kalasatama - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › KalasatamaKalasatama (Swedish: Fiskehamnen; literally translated "fish port") is a neighbourhood in the city of Helsinki, Finland.The area is officially part of the Sörnäinen district; and like Sörnäinen, Kalasatama is located a little more than one kilometre north from the coastal centre of Helsinki, near the district of Hakaniemi, and the east side of Kalasatama borders the sea.
Kalasatama – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/KalasatamaKalasatama (ruots. Fiskehamnen ) on Sörnäisten kaupunginosan osa-alue Helsingin itäisessä kantakaupungissa. Se käsittää suuren osan entistä Sörnäisten sataman aluetta, jolle on alettu rakentaa uutta laajaa asunto- ja toimistoaluetta. Osa-alueella on neljä tunnistettavaa aluetta: Itäväylän eteläpuolinen Sörnäistenniemi ja pohjoispuolinen Verkkosaari, länsireunassa oleva Suvilahtis…