14.9.2018 · Conoce como gestionar una cuenta de Kahoot.comEn este video se explica cómo cambiar los datos de perfil, las notificaciones, los intereses, la contraseña y e...
https://kahoot.itJoin a game of kahoot here. Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!
kahoot.itJoin a game of kahoot here. Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!
Centro de ayuda - Kahoot!
Mi kahoot ha sido reportado, ¿qué debo hacer? ... Intro, creación de cuenta y configuración. Crea y descubre kahoots. Jugar y compartir kahoots. Estudio y ligas de estudio. Kahoot! ... Share your ideas and discuss with other …
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Kahoot! | Learning games | Make learning awesome!
kahoot.comIt only takes minutes to create a learning game or trivia quiz on any topic, in any language. Host or share. Host a live game with questions on a big screen or share a game with remote players. Play. Game on! Join a kahoot with a PIN provided by the host and answer questions on your device. Play Kahoot! to see how it works!
Kahoot! | Learning games | Make learning awesome!
Make your team superstar presenters Set your whole team up to deliver awesome presentations with Kahoot! 360 Spirit, our best plan from only $16 per month. Learn more Buy now Customize your kahoot with Kahoot! themes Create your …