Summary of administering course realisations - › digipalvelut › fiSep 22, 2021 · KOVS. Department/faculty coordinator publishes a draft of the realisation for the teacher (FI). Teacher fills in or updates the description of the realisation if needed. Any curriculum-level information from the course unit does not need to be repeated on the realisation. Teacher adds their suggestions for time and room on the realisation if needed
Opiskelijoiden tilavaraus - › fi › ajankohtaistaSep 22, 2021 · JYU:n opiskelijoiden käyttöön on avattu tilavaraustoiminnallisuus. Kalenteriin pääsee Navi-karttasovelluksen kautta joko selaimella tai MyJYU-sovelluksessa. Varauksen tekeminen on mahdollista myös tilojen ovienpielissä olevien QR-koodien kautta. Opiskelijat voivat tehdä maksutta varauksia yliopiston vapaasti varattaviin opetus-, kokous- ja ryhmätyötiloihin, esimerkiksi Lähde ...
KOVS-Sisu workshop for teachers - JYU › digipalvelut › enJYU. Since 1863.12 KOVS: Learning environments • Learning environments (Moodle and Koppa) are created from Sisu. • After a course space has been created you can copy the link and add it to KOVS Learning environment tab. • The first address added to KOVS is considered as the main learning environment of the realisation. 3.6.2019 JYU. Since 1863.13
Managing changes in teaching schedules — Digipalvelut - JYU › digipalvelut › fiMay 18, 2020 · Course schedules, room reservations and descriptions of realisations are administered in the KOVS resource planning system. Any changes to individual reservations such as cancellations or room changes are therefore administered in KOVS. Details regarding course registration and other course administration during the realisation are administered in Sisu and other learning environments.