Jorvin sairaala | HUS › jorvin-sairaala09 4711. Jorvin sairaala. Jorvin yhteispäivystys. Lasten päivystys. Käyntiohjeet. Osastot ja poliklinikat. Jorvin sairaala on osa HUS Helsingin yliopistollista sairaalaa. Sairaalassa hoidamme kirurgisia, psykiatrisia, lastentautien, synnytysten, keuhkosairauksien, neurologian ja sisätautien potilaita. Sairaalassa on useita erikoisalojen ...
Home - Texas Tent
texastent.netTexas Tent helps your event go off with out a hitch. Weather can be unpredictable and our equipment helps ensure that your show will go on, rain or shine. Our experienced and dedicated staff will work with you on planning your event and ensure that everything is in place on the big day. From setting up open-air canopies for outdoor weddings to ...
Jorvi Hospital | HUS › en › patient09 4711. Jorvi Hospital is part of HUS Helsinki University Hospital. In the hospital, we treat surgical, psychiatric, pediatric, obstetric, pulmonary, neurological and internal medicine patients. The hospital has several specialist medical care outpatient clinics, as well as operations to support examinations and care. Visiting hours vary by unit.