https://joikubyjk.fiVerkkoJoiKu by JK Hakomäenkaari 37 90900 KIIMINKI. 0405521656 2913033-5. Tietoa meist ...
Joiku – Levi Hotel Spa – Resort › en › ravintolatJoiku Music Bar is a true Levi classic. It is the place to go when you want be the rock star of your own life and perform a few classic rock anthems! If you would rather sing ballads – just like Celine Dion – that’s fine as well! Joiku Music Bar is also one of Levi’s prime venues for events and gigs. Bring your friends and enjoy!
Joiku bar & karaoke - Levi › palvelut › joiku-music-barUusittu Joiku Bar & Karaoke on tilava ja tunnelmallinen baari Levin ytimessä. Livemusaa, artistit ja keikat, DJ, karaokea, koppikaraoke, iso tanssilattia, laaja juomavalikoima ja paras palvelu. Uusi yrittäjä avasi Joikun kesällä 2021 ja Joiku on nyt osa Tulikuuma Kumpu Oy:n kotimaista ravintolaperhettä.
Joiku bar & karaoke - Levi › en › servicesJoiku Bar & Karaoke also acts as the venue for some current events and gigs that you can enjoy with your friends and perhaps also a few beverages. See all Levi's opening hours from here. Hissitie 2, 99130 Levi. +358 50 4754880.