John Pye Auctions Pye Auctions is the UK's leading commercial auction house network – offering the most varied collection of online auctions sales. Toggle ... Keys for seized vehicles may not be …
Cars - John Pye › departments › vehiclesJohn Pye Auctions Vehicle department has grown significantly by 1,200% in rolling stock auction volume since 2011 as we have become the UK’s leading auction house for seized vehicles, ranking number one on Google in the UK for ‘seized vehicle auctions’.
John Pye Auctions › Event › DetailsOct 03, 2022 · John Pye Auctions VH963 SEIZED AND USED VEHICLE AUCTION Active (#6360702) PLEASE NOTE : Vehicles are sold at auction as they lie with no warranties or guarantees. Buyers must satisfy themselves whether a vehicle is roadworthy. Not all vehicles sold have a service history or valid MOT. Keys for seized vehicles may not be present.