Joensuu – Wikipedia on Suomen kaupunki ja Pohjois-Karjalan maakuntakeskus, joka sijaitsee Saimaan Pyhäselän pohjoisrannalla Pielisjoen suulla Pohjois-Karjalan maakunnassa. Joensuu on asukasluvultaan Suomen 12. suurin kaupunki. Joensuun kaupungin alueella asuu noin 77 000 ihmistä. Joensuun naapurikunnat ovat Ilomantsi, Kontiolahti, Lieksa, Liperi, Rääkkylä ja Tohmajärvi. Lisäksi Joensuu rajoittuu idässä
Joensuu - Wikipedia › wiki › JoensuuJoensuu is a city and municipality in North Karelia, Finland, located on the northern shore of Lake Pyhäselkä at the mouth of the Pielinen River. It was founded in 1848. The population of Joensuu is 77,266, and the economic region of Joensuu has a population of 115,000. It is the 12th largest city in Finland. The nearest major city, Kuopio in North Savonia, is located 136 kilometres to the west. From Joensuu, the distance to Lappeenranta, the capital of South Karelia, is 233 kilometres ...
Home - Climate Joensuu english › web › climate-joensuu-englishJoensuu is a city of some 76,000 inhabitants in eastern Finland. The City of Joensuu has set an ambitious goal to become carbon-neutral by 2025. Carbon neutrality means that Joensuu will only produce emissions equal or lower to the amount that can be captured in carbon sinks. The goal is to decrease emissions by 60 % from 2007 to 2025.
Tourism Joensuu - Joensuu Guide | Discovering Finland › lakeland › joensuuMeaning ‘the mouth of the river’, the city of Joensuu, which was founded by the Czar Nikolai I of Russia in 1848, has grown to become the regional capital of North Karelia, and its second largest city. Much of its importance is due to improvements in water traffic when the Saimaa Canal was completed in 1870, which has allowed a lively regional trade, and linked to the city to St. Petersburg in Russia, and via the Volga to both the Black and Caspian seas.
Joensuu - Wikipedia is a city and municipality in North Karelia, Finland, located on the northern shore of Lake Pyhäselkä (northern part of Lake Saimaa) at the mouth of the Pielinen River (Pielisjoki). It was founded in 1848. The population of Joensuu is 77,266 (December 31, 2021), and the economic region of Joensuu has a population of 115,000. It is the 12th largest city in Finland. The nearest major city, Kuopio in Nor…
Home - english › web › englishAug 15, 2022 · Joensuu Launches Major Survey for Students 29.08.2022 The conditions for free public transport for people coming from Ukraine will change in September 15.08.2022 Wellcome to International House Joensuu’s open house on Friday 19.8. 15.08.2022 Joensuu's own city festival Joen Yö returns to the heart of the city center on 19th August 06.06.2022
Etusivu -
www.joensuu.fiYli 200 kasvatusalan ammattilaista Suomesta ja Pohjois-Amerikasta saapuu Joensuuhun pohtimaan kansainvälistymisen mahdollisuuksia 08.11.2022 Haku auki englantia painottavaan Kanervalan alakouluun – Avoimet ovet 19. marraskuuta 08.11.2022 Puhas Oy: Vie vaaralliset jätteet maksutta keräykseen – ja vältyt tulipalolta!