Job Generator | Cool Generator List › job-generatorAbout Job Generator. This job generator can generate random, complete "jobs", including job specifications, employee benefits and other details, more details include work department, position, level, hourly wage, annual salary, and holiday time. This is a very complete "job." This job generator can generate four types of work, full-time, part-time, weekend, night, and every job has a detailed job description.
Random Job Generator - Writing Exercises › random-job-generatorCharacter Generator NEW: Character Rounding Random Subject Quick Plot Story Title Take Three Nouns Random Words Rhyming Dictionary Town Name Generator Image Generator Scrabble Trainer Random Job / Occupation Generator This generator randomly chooses a job or occupation for your character. Generate a job or occupation Copy to clipboard Quick Links:
Job Generator - RanGen › chars › jobgenJul 22, 2022 · Job Specifications Sector: Design Position: Designer Level: Senior Type: Full-time Hours Per Week:49 Hourly Rate:$35.32 / £24.70 Per Annum Approx:$89,995 / £62,936 Distance From Home:8.9 miles / 14.32 km Employee Benefits Promotions: Easy Overtime:Yes Unpaid Holiday:7 days Paid Holiday:7 days Parental Leave:No Childcare:Yes Healthcare:No
Modern Job Title/Occupation Selector and Random Generator › utilities › OccupationModern Occupation Random Generator. Option #1 for the job title generator isn't a random generator. Instead, you may use the drop down boxes to drill into an industry of interest for your character or NPC. After selecting a top level industry and subsequent subindustry, all job titles for that type will displayed in a simple list. Simply changing the industry or sub-industry selection will generate a new set of results.