Jyväskylän yliopisto
https://www.jyu.fi3.10.2022 · Jyväskylän yliopiston vuosikertomus 2021. Viime vuotta sävytti koronapandemia. Se muutti opiskelua sekä vauhditti etäopetuksen tapoja ja digitalisaatiota. Hyvää menestystä …
JKL Technologies Inc.
www.cos-jkl.comJKL Technologies inc. is an information technology solutions firm, helping businesses manage, move, improve and integrate their entire technology infrastructures. They count on us to provide a single source of expertise in technology relocations, infrastructure build-out, audio visual design, as well as a host of client services such as computer aided drafting (CAD) and database development.
University of Jyväskylä — Jyväskylän yliopisto
www.jyu.fi › enJul 09, 2022 · Annual Report 2021 of the University of Jyväskylä. The whole of 2021 was marked by the COVID-19. Remote work and teaching were emphasised. Despite the challenges presented by the pandemic, the university was able to fulfil its statutory duties successfully.
Jyväskylän yliopisto
www.jyu.fiOct 03, 2022 · 29.8.2022 | Opiskelu-uutiset Jyväskylän yliopisto ja JYY juhlistavat jälleen Pridea Jyväskylä Pride –viikolla 5.-11.9. Yliopistopäivät 28.10.2022: Tavoitteet ja niiden voima! Yliopistopäivät lokakuun lopulla on vuotuinen alumnitapahtumamme kaikille yliopistomme kasvateille.
JKL Group
www.jkl.groupFounded in 2017, JKL Group is a blockchain focused firm providing a wide range of services across the digital asset ecosystem. The group’s competitive edge is its end-to-end digital asset expertise, covering quantitative investment solutions, lending, OTC services and Bitcoin mining. Learn More > Timeline 01 02 03 04 05 2017 OTC Desk