English Boards - Nagasaki JET
nagasakijet.com › english-boardsEnglish Boards. Depending on the school, you may have the responsibility of being in control of an English Board. Each school has a different expectation for them, so if you’re not sure where to start, just ask one of your JTEs! Some schools may have a very specific way they want the board done, while others may give you free reign.
English Boards of ALTs | Heart Corporation
heart-school.jp › en › blogJan 25, 2022 · An English Bulletin Board or English Board is a board with a collection of photos or images, English Letters, English Words, colors, shapes that introduces a coherent theme or message to the students and the people inside the school. In most cases, the BOE would request the ALTs to create one in their schools but if nobody ask you to do it.
ESL Bulletin Board Ideas for JET Program ALTs - Tofugu
www.tofugu.com › japan › esl-bulletin-board-ideasSep 27, 2016 · Yamaguchi Prefecture JET Stephanie’s English Bulletin Board Ideas: One of the few blogs that specializes in English bulletin boards for JET Program ALTs. Great design sense and ideas. Check it out. English Bulletin Boards by Lobsterdance: Another one (of the few) collections of JET Program English bulletin boards online. The blog ended in 2012, but the 9 boards featured are great for inspiration.
Positions – JET Program USA
jetprogramusa.org › positionsASSISTANT LANGUAGE TEACHER (ALT) ALTs are engaged in language instruction and make up over 90% of all JET Program participants. They are mainly assigned to local boards of education or elementary, junior high or senior high schools and carry out their duties under the guidance of language teachers’ consultants or Japanese teachers of English (JTEs) as specified by the supervisor and/or principal of the board of education and/or school.
JET Positions | JET Programme
jetprogramme.org › en › positionsALTs assist with classes taught by Japanese Teachers of English/Language (JTEs/JTLs) and are thus involved in the preparation of teaching materials and in extracurricular activities such as English clubs or sports teams. More than 90% of JET participants are employed as ALTs. Team-teaching, or assisting with classes taught by JTEs/JTLs. Participating in extra-curricular activities with students.
ALTopedia - Tag: English Board
www.altopedia.net › tags › 125-english-boardNov 19, 2020 · English Board. This consists of materials that can be used on a physical English bulletin board. In most schools, there are lots of bulletin boards (看板, kanban) where flyers, posters, and other reading material can be posted. Some schools have these for the English department. These activities have useful informational material for English boards.