Japanese mathematics - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_mathematicsJapanese mathematics (和算, wasan) denotes a distinct kind of mathematics which was developed in Japan during the Edo period (1603–1867). The term wasan, from wa ("Japanese") and san ("calculation"), was coined in the 1870s and employed to distinguish native Japanese mathematical theory from Western mathematics (洋算 yōsan). In the history of mathematics, the development of wasan falls outside the Western realm. At the …
Sangaku - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SangakuSangaku or san gaku (Japanese: 算額, lit. 'calculation tablet') are Japanese geometrical problems or theorems on wooden tablets which were placed as offerings at Shinto shrines or Buddhist temples during the Edo period by members of all social classes. See more
Basic Japanese Math - The Japan Guy
www.thejapanguy.com › basic-japanese-mathMay 17, 2012 · Here are the four basic mathematical operations 加減乗除, kagenjojo or かげんじょうじょう, in Japanese 1. ADDITION: Tasu (足す) 2. SUBTRACTION: Hiku (ひく or 引く) 3. MULTIPLICATION: Kakeru (掛ける or かける) **One teacher was telling me that for “kakeru” we often just use the hiragana, and not the kanji as much.** 4. DIVISION: Waru (割る or わる) ADDITION