Gaming To Learn Japanese - Tofugu › japanese › gaming-to-learn-japaneseAug 19, 2014 · The Japanese Version of Persona 4 (2008) is also a great game for learning more natural Japanese but requires a Japanese game and a Japanese console. Reading With The Nintendo 3DS Source: Scott Ackerman Games that are not all about listening, but more about reading and doing things, can have the written language changed to Japanese as well.
Japanese language learning games | Digital Dialects › JapaneseNumbers in Japanese using kanji and rōmaji - learn to count in Japanese with quizzes and wordlist with spoken Japanese audio. The Japanese numbers 1-12 quiz provides the option of learning these numbers with a 1-12 romaji game and for beginning to learn kanji characters, a 1-12 kanji numbers game.For contiuning on to the numbers up to 20 play the Japanese numbers 13-20 game.