Itslearning web environment – Business College Helsinki › itslearning-web-environmentItslearning is the web-based learning environment at Business Collegen. You can log on to Itslearning with your personal Business College credentials, the same ones that you use to log on to Wilma. On ItsLearning you have been added to the courses marked in your timetable. The teachers add all the assignments and materials to their course, so it is easy for you to find all the materials in one location.
ItsLearning | Bay Atlantic University - Washington, D.C. › itslearningItsLearning is an online learning platform designed to facilitate customized teaching and learning for faculty & students, and create learning opportunities that extend beyond the school day. Faculty Functions: create a homepage for classes. create lesson plans. deliver instructions. provide targeted learning resources. upload teaching materials.
itslearning login page
itslearning.itslearning.comNew to itslearning? Looking for more information about the company and our next generation learning platform? Please visit our international homepage, or our local office/partner in your country: Or please email us at 20/05/2011 07:55. Help desk.
space.itslearning.comitslearning-sisäänkirjautumissivu Business College Helsinki (käyttäjätunnus = s-alkuinen Kirjaudu sisään itslearning-tilillä Tiedot Pidä oppimisympäristö aina mukanasi Lataa itslearning-mobiilisovellus Google Playsta tai Appstoresta, jotta saat ilmoitukset ja viestit reaaliaikaisesti kännykkään.
itslearning sign-in page
forsyth.itslearning.comParent Accounts. itslearning and Parent Portal are two separate systems. To log into itslearning you must first have a Parent Portal account. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please follow the steps under the section titled Parent Portal Activation below to receive one.