Istex Léttlopi - Light Weight Yarn – Fillory Yarn › products › istex-lettlopiIstex Lettlopi yarn is the lightweight product of the Icelandic sheep. There is no other yarn like it in that the fleece contains long fibers which aid in water resistance, while the short fibers insulate and keep you warm. Light lopi or officially known as Lettlopi by Istex is an aran weight yarn. The color range and the pattern support make you want to go right out and start crocheting or knitting traditional designs because of the unique nature of the finished products.
Istex Lettlopi | Lankaidea › product › 731Istex Lettlopi. 4,80 €. Lettlopi on 100% islannin lampaan villaa. Se on kevyttä, likaa hylkivää ja lämmintä. Aito, kaunis islantilaisneule sopii myös ulkoilukäyttöön ja sen voi islantilaiseen tyyliin pukea kaikkein uloimmaksi kerrokseksi tuulenpitävien vaatteiden päälle. Lettlopi sopii erinomaisesti kirjoneuleisiin ja se myös huopuu hyvin.
Ístex | Við sköpum verðmæti úr íslenskri ull | › enLopi is a good choice Ístex publishes pattern books with Icelandic designs. Single patterns are available on Lopi is colorful and promotes creativity Ístex makes hand knitting yarn in hundreds of colors. Natural Icelandic colors are available. New Icelandic Blankets Lopi is unique Ístex creates value from Icelandic wool.
Léttlopi - Ístex › en › vorurMaterial : 100% new wool Ball : 50 g ~ approx 100 m Suggested needle sizes : 4½-5 mm Gauge 10×10 cm : 18 stitches and 24 rows Léttlopi is a highly versatile yarn. It is equivalent in thickness to half a Álafosslopi. Léttlopi garments are lovely to wear both indoors and outdoors. black 0059 white 0051 ash 0054 light grey 0056 grey 0057 dark grey
Villalanka Istex Lettlopi | VILLAINEN › product › 5Villalanka Istex Lettlopi Lettlopi 0005 Meleerattu musta Villalanka Istex Lettlopi Hinta Alkaen 3,90€ Lähiaikoina tulossa värit 0052 ja 1409. Perinteinen islantilainen villalanka. Tilattavat värit valitaan alasvetovalikosta, EI kuvista! Saatavuus Vaihtelee mallin mukaan Malli: Määrä: Lisää ostoskoriin